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Stichting Byounique logo.jpg

Eradicate the root causes of child crime by brining sustainable change to the lives of vulnerable children, youths, families and communities.

Our approach

Byounique offers a coherent project-portfolio aimed at prevention, rehabilitation and awareness building. All projects strengthen their impacts: through prevention, less children get into conflict with the law. While those that do, are treated lawfully. Diversion teaches children positive change, while remaining in their communities. Less detained youths offers real opportunities to in-depth counseling and rehabilitation. Awareness creates a strong sense of shared responsibility and promotes acceptance of released youths. As a result, less children commit offences, only a minimum reoffends: creating a vicious circle of less and less children in conflict with the law.

Our strength

Our specific focus on the child justice system, our coherent project-portfolio, our financial effective and transparent approach and our passion and perseverance to really make the difference for our beneficiaries!

Child Rights Clubs

Child Rights Clubs

Knowledge about child rights and support clinics at schools and surrounding high-risk areas



Behaviour change with youths at risk and awareness about child protection in high-risk areas

Legal support

Legal support

Social and legal support at police, courts and young offenders’ prisons



Prevent reoffending via Life Skills, family amendment, vocational training and follow up support

School support

School support

Financial and social support for children who are motivated, but lack the means to go (back) to school

Prison Reintegration

Prison Reintegration

Prevent reoffending via Life Skills, family amendment, vocational training and follow up support

Training centres

Training centres

Vocational and entrepreneurship skills, Life skills, basic literacy, English and parenting training for most underprivileged youths

Training and awareness

Training and awareness

Training professionals, partners, students and companies on child justice and how to contribute to improvements

Tisinthe Radio-program

Tisinthe Radio-program

Broad awareness about child protection and child justice via a radio drama and local youth groups activities

(Social) Media

(Social) Media

Promoting child protection, child justice, acceptance of rehabilitated youths and Byounique projects

Support for girls at risk

Support for girls at risk

Social support for vulnerable girls who dropped school and don’t see positive ways to organize their lives

Legal clinics

Legal clinics

Free legal information and legal clinics for disadvantaged children and families with support of pro-bono lawyers

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